Exam simulators X-AM

Our exam simulators (X-AM) help certification candidates to best prepare for their exam by reviewing hundreds of questions and re-practicing failed answers.
Available for major certification preparations
Simultaneous access to different languages for better comprehension
Anywhere and anytime accessible on different devices
Always aligned to the latest exam contents
All our courses are available in English, French, and German. Some courses are available in other languages such as Spanish, Italian, Swedish, etc.
Delivery and duration
All exam simulators are accessible on our Learning Management System – based on an individual access. .
Duration depends on the certification and the candidate’s proficiency level
Technical Requirements
Permanent internet access & latest version of internet browser and multimedia plug-ins
Certification candidates who seek to prepare for the exam. Exam simulators are available for the major certifications of Project Management Institute (PMI®), International Project Management Association (IPMA®) and PRINCE2®.
According to the examination guidelines of the respective certifications.
- According to the examination guidelines of the respective certifications.
Learning objectives
There is one objective: to best prepare certification candidates for the examination. After preparing themselves with X-AM, the participants will:
Have reviewed the certification contents with help of exam-like questions
Have a good understanding of the type of questions that they will face at the exam
Be well prepared and take the exam
X-AM is not only an exam simulator that allows certification candidates to train in real conditions, it also serves other purposes:
Learning and reviewing: a specific algorithm decides in which order questions will appear. Learners may view questions several timesand can so consolidate their knowledge.
Evaluating oneself: thanks to the scores expressed in percentage, learners may estimate their level of knowledge.
Tracking one’s progression: learners can view their results for each session and for each knowledge area; comparing those results allows them to identify the level of progression they have attained.
Our exam simulators are available for the following certifications: